
Gold Leaf Part1 ・ クリスマスなので(?)金箔押し&シュトレン


Glittering season has come!

Christians aren't the most major population in Japanese but we are accustomed to see Christmas decorations this time of year. OK, it is more of commercial reasons but hey, it doesn't matter. It is festive. It is gorgeous.  I love it !

Now it got me thinking.... Do we have anything like this shinning decoration in Japan ?

When I was in Lyon, one of the memorable pictures are like this. ↓ It was my first trip to Europe.

Everywhere I looked the scenery was pictorial and the monuments are classy but I do remember this vividly. 
Lyon Cathedral. Photo by Trey Ratcliff
The ceiling was shinning gold and I was wondering how many semesters would be paid off if I could scrape a bit of gold from ceiling ! (Yes, I was a young student living off student load.)

In Japan, we have shrines and temples.  We use a gold leaf to decorate.
So light that we need to hold breath !
A paper thin square gold (as tiny as 11cm x 11cm) is used to cover wood architectural temples, shrines and castles. With a skilled touch of fine artisans, woods architects are turned into shining gold.
Shrine Roof Top
Osaka Castle
Voila! glittering golds

We have gold decorations all year around, as festive as Christmas ones !

Why am I so hooked into Gold Leaf ? Well, with a bit of luck, I recently came to know one of the top artisan personally. How I got to know him? I will continue on the next blog.

Today, we finally started on December... The count down has started as well. We shall fully enjoy the last month of 2016. 

今日から12月! ことしも残すところ一ヶ月ですね。クリスマスのデコレーション、イルミネーションで華やいだ大好きな季節。でも、日本には負けず劣らず、美しい飾りがあるではないか、しかも通年、と最近になって再認識する出来事がありました。

そう、寺社仏閣に施された金の箔。 カトリックのきらびやかな教会とはまた違った美しさ。日本人のテイストというのか、日本流の “きらびやかさ” の加減なのでしょうか。

私の金箔マイブームには理由があって、、、。ちょっとしたご縁で、本物の箔押し職人さんと知り合うきっかけがありました。(本物、、、っていうのも変な表現だけど。有名どころの寺社仏閣は、ほとんど手掛けらている、一流の職人さん、と言う意味です。 )



12月、シュトレンのアップデート、ですよね。。。直接お問い合わせも頂いてしまい、本当にすみません。 あと数日でHP更新できます。m(_ _)m

只今、カノエ最終チェック中 → キウチデザイン コーディングへ、と進めてます~。


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